International Association
for Open Knowledge
on Invasive Alien Species

INVASIVESNET is a non-profit NGO that connects people and organizations working on invasive species. Our mission is to create a global network of networks by promoting open data and developing tools for effective knowledge exchange (for more information see INVASIVESNET Mission and Objectives).

Membership is open to individuals and organizations wishing to participate in promoting the objectives of INVASIVESNET.

The benefits of INVASIVESNET membership are:

Unique networking opportunities
Share your knowledge on invasive species and collaborate with scientists and environmental managers from your field of expertise or interest. Participate in a wide range of INVASIVESNET activities such as online meetings of thematic working groups.

Unrestricted access to the INVASIVESNET webpages
Benefit from unlimited access via membership login to your INVASIVESNET Workspace. Here you can edit your personal profile or profile of your organization, find other people and organizations, and access our online network services.

Eligibility to support from the INVASIVESNET Open Access Publishing Fund
All individual members are eligible for discounted article processing charges for their publications in the official open access journals of the Association.

Eligibility to place news items in INVASIVESNET media
Make your organization, its achievements and events visible on the INVASIVESNET website and via our social media platforms.

Get involved and develop professionally
Take a leading role within INVASIVESNET: join or set up a thematic working group, become a reviewer or editor of INVASIVESNET journals, or apply for a position in the International Council or Executive Committee.

Eligibility for INVASIVESNET awards
As a member you are eligible to receive both scientific awards and awards in recognition of services to INVASIVESNET.

For more information on INVASIVESNET activities and membership benefits, please contact us at

© 2021 International Association for Open Knowledge on Invasive Alien Species | Registered Association 221.451
Registered Office: PL 6, 00981 Helsinki, Finland