International Association
for Open Knowledge
on Invasive Alien Species
INVASIVESNET 2024 General meeting

Agenda of INVASIVESNET 2024 General meeting

14:00 -15:00, April 24, 2024, Helsinki, Finland

Agenda Item 1. Opening of the Meeting

Agenda Item 2. Election of General Meeting Chairman, Secretary and two examiners of the minutes and scrutineers

Agenda Item 3. Legality and quorum of the Meeting

Agenda Item 4. Approval of the Agenda

Agenda Item 5. Presentation of annual report, financial statement and auditor�s report

Annex 1. INVASIVESNET 2023 Activities Report (download INVASIVESNET_2023_Activities_Report.pdf)

Annex 2. INVASIVESNET Media and Communications Working Group 2023 Report (download INVASIVESNET_MCWG_Report_2023.pdf)

Annex 3. INVASIVESNET 2023 Financial Statement (download INVASIVESNET_2023_Financial_Statement.pdf)

Annex 4. INVASIVESNET 2023 Auditor�s Report (download INVASIVESNET_2023_Auditors_Statement.pdf)

Agenda Item 6. Confirmation of financial statement and discharging from liability for the accounts for executive members and other persons responsible

Agenda Item 7. Confirmation of Action Plan, budget and amount of membership fees

Annex 5. INVASIVESNET 2024 Action Plan (download INVASIVESNET_2024_Action_Plan.pdf)

Annex 6. INVASIVESNET 2024 Financial Action Plan (download INVASIVESNET_2024_Financial_Action_Plan.pdf)

Agenda Item 8. Election of Executive Chairperson, and ordinary and deputy members of the Executive Committee

Candidates for positions of Executive offices for 2024-2025, recommended by the International Council:

Ordinary members

Frances E. Lucy (current President of Association and Chairperson of the Executive Committee)                                                                                                                      

INVASIVESNET member profile:

David Bruce Conn (current Vice-President)                                                                  

INVASIVESNET member profile:

Vadim E. Panov (Executive Director and vice-Chairperson of the Executive Committee)                                                            

INVASIVESNET member profile:

Laura Verbrugge (Past Media and Communication Officer)

INVASIVESNET member profile:

Laura Garzoli (Media and Communication Officer, leader of INVASIVESNET Media and Communication Working Group)

INVASIVESNET member profile:

Sonia Vanderhoeven (Belgian Biodiversity Platform)                                                                                                                                    

INVASIVESNET member profile:

Deputy members

Stelios Katsanevakis (Editor-in-Chief of INVASIVESNET journal BioInvasions Records)                                                                           

INVASIVESNET member profile:

Elena Tricarico (Editor-in-Chief of INVASIVESNET journal Aquatic Invasions)                                                                                                  

INVASIVESNET member profile:

Tomos Jones (Early Career Representative)                                                                                                                                    

INVASIVESNET member profile:

Agenda Item 9. Election of auditor(s) and vice-auditor(s)

We propose the election of Mr Elias Altarriba as Auditor and Ms Satu Huurtomaa as Vice-Auditor.

Agenda Item 10. Other issues

Incentivising members to join and champion INVASIVESNET

Situation with INVASIVESNET journals, Open Access Publishing Fund

Support of conferences on biological invasions

Agenda Item 11. Closure of General Meeting

Version for download (pdf)

© 2021 International Association for Open Knowledge on Invasive Alien Species | Registered Association 221.451
Registered Office: PL 6, 00981 Helsinki, Finland